We are Princesses of the Most High King. We have been adopted into the royal family of the Kingdom of God, through the blood of Jesus Christ. We believe that Jesus came to earth as both fully God and fully man. He was betrayed, beaten, crucified, and buried in a tomb. Three days later He rose from the dead, appeared to many people on earth, then continued on into heaven, where He is now seated at the right hand of God, far above all rule, power and authority.
We believe in the Truth of the Trinity, that Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three, and they are One.
We believe in the Truth of the Trinity, that Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three, and they are One.
We believe that the Holy Spirit lives and dwells in us, and guides our hearts into all truth.
Jesus will soon return to this earth to judge the living and the dead, and we will dwell eternally in heaven with Him, because we have been redeemed through His blood, and are His beloved girls!
It is our burning desire for every young woman we encounter to know just how beautiful and valued she is, in the eyes of the King of Kings. Our goal is to glorify Jesus, make clear the message of the cross, and redemption of all things. If a girl understands the value of what Jesus did on the cross, she in turn can understand her own value, and the value of those around her.
The mission of our magazine is to:
-Proclaim the good news of the freedom found in Jesus Christ, to His captive daughters of all ages.
-To awaken the Sleeping Beauty's, who have touched this worlds spindle of subtle deception, and see their hearts fully awakened to the calling of holiness and set apart-ness of being a Princess of the King!
The mission of our magazine is to:
-Proclaim the good news of the freedom found in Jesus Christ, to His captive daughters of all ages.
-To awaken the Sleeping Beauty's, who have touched this worlds spindle of subtle deception, and see their hearts fully awakened to the calling of holiness and set apart-ness of being a Princess of the King!
-To remind this generation of what Christ has already done, and His finished work on the cross, which means we are heirs of His Kingdom, and no longer need to live (or think) like slaves.
-To comfort the broken hearts.
-To remind His girls that they are a crown of beauty, and a royal diadem in the hand of their God! To teach them about their royal, eternal, princess identity, and embrace the way that He sees them.
-To magnify the love of Jesus.
-Encourage, and equip girls to change this world, by refusing to conform to the patterns of this world, and choosing to daily be renewed by the transforming of their minds, through God's Word!
-To comfort the broken hearts.
-To remind His girls that they are a crown of beauty, and a royal diadem in the hand of their God! To teach them about their royal, eternal, princess identity, and embrace the way that He sees them.
-To magnify the love of Jesus.
-Encourage, and equip girls to change this world, by refusing to conform to the patterns of this world, and choosing to daily be renewed by the transforming of their minds, through God's Word!
We believe that the Holy Spirit enables and strengthens us to do things we could never do on our own, because Christ now lives inus. With God, impossible is not a word! We believe in the miraculous, and that our Father's heartbeat is to set us, and those around us, totally and absolutely free! [John 8:36]
Extended Statement for Writers, Team Members, Board Members,
Small COB Group Leaders & Event Ambassadors...
As a Crown of Beauty Magazine Ambassador, I understand that being affiliated with this ministry means that what I do and how I live, will be a reflection of this magazine and what COB believes.
Small COB Group Leaders & Event Ambassadors...
As a Crown of Beauty Magazine Ambassador, I understand that being affiliated with this ministry means that what I do and how I live, will be a reflection of this magazine and what COB believes.
As a Princess Daughter of the Most High King, I have been called to live a life of purity.
I know that my little sisters in Christ, friends, readers, and girls from all over the world, are watching and learning from my life. They are looking to me to see an example of what princess living is!
I am surely not perfect, (ahm, if this was the perfect club, Livy would be the first one kicked out...)
I know that my little sisters in Christ, friends, readers, and girls from all over the world, are watching and learning from my life. They are looking to me to see an example of what princess living is!
I am surely not perfect, (ahm, if this was the perfect club, Livy would be the first one kicked out...)
but I am willing to trade in perfection, for excellence in Christ. I believe God will equip and enable me to be the Godly example that I have been chosen and anointed to be!
My purity of heart will shine from the inside out, and I am making it priority in my life to be close to the heart of Jesus. I desire to shine for Him, and am willing to make the sacrifices and suffer the cuts that a diamond must endure, to sparkle with a heavenly radiance!
Like Paul said, “I make it my goal to please Him” (2 Corinthians 5:9). He is the One I am daily representing, and I choose to do so with excellence, through pursuing these 5 goals.
My purity of heart will shine from the inside out, and I am making it priority in my life to be close to the heart of Jesus. I desire to shine for Him, and am willing to make the sacrifices and suffer the cuts that a diamond must endure, to sparkle with a heavenly radiance!
Like Paul said, “I make it my goal to please Him” (2 Corinthians 5:9). He is the One I am daily representing, and I choose to do so with excellence, through pursuing these 5 goals.
1) To Know the Heart of Jesus
Ultimately, the heart of Crown of Beauty, is to have the heart of Jesus, so as representative of this magazine, I must know His heart! I am willing to take the time of out of my busy schedule to spend with Jesus, reading His word, praying, listening for His voice, and worshiping. I will actively seek Him, because I want to find Him!
2) To Be a Radically Loving Friend
Friendship is at the heart of Crown of Beauty, and I understand that my sisters in Christ, are the greatest treasures in this world! I will strive to become, and learn to be an amazing friend. I will abandon the “friendship-cancers” that destroy and undermine which are; gossip, jealousy, backbiting, favoring one gal over another, and just plain being mean and rude! This is totally UN-princessy, and I don't want to have anything to do with it. This attitude of treasuring and highly esteeming those around me, is something I desire to cultivate with my family, my enemies, and even total strangers!
3) To be a 1 Peter 3:3 Girl “Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as the braiding of the hair, or jewelry, or extravagant hairstyles, but it should come from that of the inner self, the unfading beauty of a quiet and gentle spirit, which is priceless in the sight of God.”
I will not dress in a seductive, revealing, manor. Modesty means I will draw attention to the things that matter...which are matters of the heart! I understand that guys struggle to keep their thoughts pure when I dress in mini-skirts, uber short shorts, tight tops, low tops with plunging necklines, or bikini’s. I don't want the boys around me to struggle in this way, so I'm going to give them a hand in this department!
Ultimately, the heart of Crown of Beauty, is to have the heart of Jesus, so as representative of this magazine, I must know His heart! I am willing to take the time of out of my busy schedule to spend with Jesus, reading His word, praying, listening for His voice, and worshiping. I will actively seek Him, because I want to find Him!
2) To Be a Radically Loving Friend
Friendship is at the heart of Crown of Beauty, and I understand that my sisters in Christ, are the greatest treasures in this world! I will strive to become, and learn to be an amazing friend. I will abandon the “friendship-cancers” that destroy and undermine which are; gossip, jealousy, backbiting, favoring one gal over another, and just plain being mean and rude! This is totally UN-princessy, and I don't want to have anything to do with it. This attitude of treasuring and highly esteeming those around me, is something I desire to cultivate with my family, my enemies, and even total strangers!
3) To be a 1 Peter 3:3 Girl “Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as the braiding of the hair, or jewelry, or extravagant hairstyles, but it should come from that of the inner self, the unfading beauty of a quiet and gentle spirit, which is priceless in the sight of God.”
I will not dress in a seductive, revealing, manor. Modesty means I will draw attention to the things that matter...which are matters of the heart! I understand that guys struggle to keep their thoughts pure when I dress in mini-skirts, uber short shorts, tight tops, low tops with plunging necklines, or bikini’s. I don't want the boys around me to struggle in this way, so I'm going to give them a hand in this department!
Modest behavior, also means assisting my dude friends to fix their eyes on Jesus. To the best of my ability, I won't be interacting with males (unless I'm married!) with the purpose of flirting, being sexy, competing for his attention, or drawing mega attention to myself. I will reserve this kind of attention for my future husband, and our relationship under a holy marriage covenant. I believe that God intended marriage to be a sacred joining between a man and a woman. I am willing to wait for this love and allow God to prepare me, just like Queen Esther prepared for the king. [If I'm already married, I won't be tossing my heart and affection around to other lovers, but be faithful to my one husband.]
I know that my beauty comes from the inside and I will set an example for my little sisters in Christ, and everyone who sees my life, that modest is most definitely hottest!
I know that my beauty comes from the inside and I will set an example for my little sisters in Christ, and everyone who sees my life, that modest is most definitely hottest!
4) To be a Set Apart Princess
I understand that if I am to “shine like stars in the universe” [Philippians 2:15] my life needs to look radically different than this world. I cannot change the world if I am just like it. I am willing to sacrifice whatever the Lord may ask of me, and allow branches in my life that do not bear fruit to be cut off.
I won't waste my time listening to music with lyrics that I wouldn't feel comfortable singing with Jesus or watching movies that have sexual themes.
I will listen to Holy Spirit and what He speaks to my heart concerning what I may need to give up, in order to have all of Him! Drinking alcohol in intoxicating amounts, going to wild parties, hanging out with friends who bring out the worst in me, disrespecting my parents, or allowing my mouth to speak words that smell like a garbage dump...I am willing to let go of it all. If Holy Spirit reveals to my heart friendships, certain ways that I spend my time, or even relationships with guys that may be unpleasing to Him for whatever reason...I will let the Potter mold and reshape me. I'm just the clay!
The goal is purity, and I know it is a process, but I'm willing to be in it for the long haul.
I will listen to Holy Spirit and what He speaks to my heart concerning what I may need to give up, in order to have all of Him! Drinking alcohol in intoxicating amounts, going to wild parties, hanging out with friends who bring out the worst in me, disrespecting my parents, or allowing my mouth to speak words that smell like a garbage dump...I am willing to let go of it all. If Holy Spirit reveals to my heart friendships, certain ways that I spend my time, or even relationships with guys that may be unpleasing to Him for whatever reason...I will let the Potter mold and reshape me. I'm just the clay!
The goal is purity, and I know it is a process, but I'm willing to be in it for the long haul.
5) To be a World Changer
Jesus' purpose was to reveal the heart of His Father, to this lost and broken world. My purpose is exactly the same. I desire to speak up for justice, righteousness, and love and to go the extra mile with a servants heart, willing to sacrifice for those who cannot speak up for themselves, don’t know the truth, are broken hearted, hard of heart, deeply wounded, or deceived. Jesus left the many to go and find the few, and I am willing to go wherever He may lead, to minister to whomever He may lead!
Jesus' purpose was to reveal the heart of His Father, to this lost and broken world. My purpose is exactly the same. I desire to speak up for justice, righteousness, and love and to go the extra mile with a servants heart, willing to sacrifice for those who cannot speak up for themselves, don’t know the truth, are broken hearted, hard of heart, deeply wounded, or deceived. Jesus left the many to go and find the few, and I am willing to go wherever He may lead, to minister to whomever He may lead!
I believe His Holy Spirit lives in me, I have a divine purpose in this ministry, and together we will change this world, one girl at at time!
The Vision Statement for Crown of Beauty: We are strategically entering into the enemy's “Worthlessness Camp” (an inner place of the mind where helpless captives live in a real life hell, tormented by lies,) and grabbing them by the wrists, taking our sisters by the hand, and leading them OUT of that place, mentally and spiritually. We are leading them to the throne room of the King of Kings, our amazing heroic Prince Jesus, who has called them to the City of the Chosen!
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed,” Luke 4:18
Jesus later said “these words are fulfilled in your hearing.” Jesus has already paid the price for freedom, and provided a way, all we have to do is be the mouth piece and proclaim what that looks like, offering our dear sisters a way out of the depressed place they have been in.
“He brought me out into a spacious place, He rescued me, because He delighted in me!” Psalm 18:19
The Vision Statement for Crown of Beauty: We are strategically entering into the enemy's “Worthlessness Camp” (an inner place of the mind where helpless captives live in a real life hell, tormented by lies,) and grabbing them by the wrists, taking our sisters by the hand, and leading them OUT of that place, mentally and spiritually. We are leading them to the throne room of the King of Kings, our amazing heroic Prince Jesus, who has called them to the City of the Chosen!
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed,” Luke 4:18
Jesus later said “these words are fulfilled in your hearing.” Jesus has already paid the price for freedom, and provided a way, all we have to do is be the mouth piece and proclaim what that looks like, offering our dear sisters a way out of the depressed place they have been in.
“He brought me out into a spacious place, He rescued me, because He delighted in me!” Psalm 18:19
Crown of Beauty Magazine is encouragement for all the world rebels, the anti-conformists and the One Girl Revolutionists. It's for all my Princess sisters and future world changers.
Will you join the revolution?
Check out www.crownofbeautymagazine.com