Saturday, November 24, 2012

Welcome to Nashville

Posted by Livy at 11:53 AM

Nashville is a magical word. It's the place where midnight dreams become a daytime reality. Stars in this city shine as brightly as neon green lights. The streets downtown are lined with musicians picking guitars like wannabe superstars. They all hope to make it big, to someday tell the tale of their own Taylor Swift success story.

Nashville is the heartbeat of country music. It's the melting pot for musicians, artists, writers and future superstars. All the impressive-looking record labels line the streets. Special tourist opportunities allow you to tread where legends have walked. Around here, girls like to wear summer dresses and sparkly cowgirl boots.

Not only does Nashville put the kick in country music, this town is also the home base for Christian music.

I've been blessed to spend some time here in this sparkly city. I'm lodging with my Tennessee family on the outskirts of town. Out here, girls don't wear cowgirl boots to impress the boys. They wear boots because the ground is muddy and the goat needs to be milked! Staying at my Aunt and Uncle's farm has given me a wonderful opportunity to soak in the beautiful countryside, and breathe in the luscious green trees. Spring is in full bloom and baby Suade (the playful goat) is getting stronger everyday as he gobbles up all the greenery.

While I'm here in Nashville, Crown of Beauty Magazine is on a mission. We're working hard to capture some of the magic that happens in the Christian music industry, bringing you girls a handful of pixie dust to experience for yourselves! We're interviewing your favorite Christian music artists! We want YOU to see what happens behind the scenes and experience more than just the stories behind your favorite songs. We want you to be inspired and feel like you've just spent a few minutes chatting it up with your favorite band members. I wish that I could carry you girls in my suitcase and bring you along for all my adventures. Instead, I have a talented video guy following me around to capture these snapshots of life in Nashville!

Generation Girl Power

Yesterday, I was so blessed to spend a few hours at the home of someone who has inspired me greatly in life. Tricia Brock. Also known as the lead singer of Superchic[K], who puts the karate kick behind the words “girl power.”

When I was ten years old, I unwrapped the plastic from my first Superchic[K] C.D. I listened to" One Girl Revolution" one too many times. I ran around the house, pretending I was a secret agent spy, bounding around the corners, ready to pounce on the invisible bad guy. As I grew older and continued listening to Superchic[K]'s rock anthem theme song, “One Girl Revolution,” I became fully convinced...I was a force to be reckoned with. I would make waves in this world. No one would know what hit them.

Superchic[K] encouraged me through my preteen and teenage years. I cried along with “Beauty From Pain,” sang “Bowling Ball” at the top of my lungs when I wanted to pretend I didn't have a crush, and covered my ears in "Alright" when I just wanted to know that everything was going to be okay.

Superchic[K] was my first concert, first favorite C.D., first inspiration to question the cultural norm, and my first video interview!

Tricia and her husband live in a cute little house in the suburbs. Nick (Tricia's husband) was waiting for us on the front porch with one of their two dogs, who was eating up a deflated, worn out old ball. Nick welcomed us as if we were neighbors who came for an afternoon chat over ice tea. I felt all pre-interview jitters slip away in the warm wind before we stepped inside.
Indoors, the living room floor was decorated with toys, proof that a baby lives with them. Sweet Ava was napping, so we quietly weighed our video options and chose where to set up.

The back porch was a beautiful possibility, but we decided to go upstairs to their studio, because of possible wind noise in the mics, or friendly neighbors who might decide to mow their lawn on such a pretty afternoon.

As we set up the room, Nick asked if we wanted to hear some of Tricia's new music (including her single, “Enough,” which drops this Friday!)

My answer? PTSH. Yes! Of course!

Tricia was at a meeting and interview with her label, so we had an hour to continue setting up. We chatted, moved around furniture, and listened to a small sampling of Tricia's latest project.

Superchic[K] warned, Tricia is back and she's rocking it! If you love her new stuff as much as I do, then we will have no problem getting her album to the top of the charts.

Tricia arrived right on time, and entered the studio loft wearing an outfit that was totally her. The vibe was bold and trendy, glowing with a confidence that shown from her eyes. She got hooked up to her mic, and our camera man did some audio level adjusting, as Tricia and I chatted for a few minutes. 

Then, it was time. The cameras were rolling, and they were ready for us to do our thing. I glanced nervously at my index cards and for a split second felt awkward in front of the cameras. Then I remembered how I've never been camera shy! Why would I be nervous now? I grinned, feeling the new confidence rising up within, so thankful for this opportunity, and asked my first question.

Tricia was a natural. She told funny stories, shared her heart with us girls, and once again...left an impact on my life. I had so much fun hearing about her love story with Nick, and admired her passion as she talked about a girl who was bullied at her High School. Tricia talked about how she stood up for her. In High School, Tricia was scared to speak up, but she couldn't NOT say anything about it. Her heart broke at the injustice, and love poured out in a fierce defense of the innocent. Her passion was greater than her fear.

Psalm 82:3-4 says;
"Defend the cause of the weak and the fatherless, maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed. Rescue the weak and needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked."

I hope Tricia's story will move your heart as much as it did mine. If you see injustice, bullying, or unfair treatment happening in your school, church or anywhere...don't be afraid to stand up against it. Like Tricia, you might feel afraid...but say something anyway! You just might safe a life.

Thanks for joining me on my journey so far. There are many more adventures to come as we continue to interview some of your favorite artists! Don't forget to check out Tricia's new single, “Enough,” which will be released this Friday!

Also, be sure to sign up for our opt-in e-mail list, so you can be the first to know when Trisha's FULL video interview is live on our site! You can do so on our homepage:

Love from your sister in Christ,

~Livy @ Crown of Beauty Magazine



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