Monday, December 9, 2013

Become a Crown of Beauty Magazine Minion! - CLOSED

Posted by Livy at 12:47 PM

HELP WANTED: Crown of Beauty Magazine has been growing in leaps and bounds.
As our ministry continues to expand, we're discovering that the workload is getting heavier...and it's time we call in the reinforcements! We truly need your help!

WHAT IS A MINION? Let's be frank. The word minion sounds pretty harsh. But unlike Gru in Despicable Me, I'm not a super villain seeking to take over the world with mindless servants.
Even though minions are cute, I'm not looking for little guys who look like burnt Twinkies. I'm looking for real girls, and women of all ages who have a passion to reach this generation with the life changing truth of Jesus Christ.

We are living in a very dark and difficult time. Preteen and teenage girls, now more than ever, struggle with accepting and loving themselves in the midst of a culture that demands lofty ideals of perfection.

50% of girls between the ages of 11 and 13 see themselves as overweight.

Approximately 2 million adolescents in the United Sates attempt suicide.

These numbers are staggering, yet behind every statistic there is a story. Numbers cannot speak for souls, and here at Crown of Beauty, we know that every soul is so valuable.

We're committed to doing whatever we can do reach that one girl who needs advice, encouragement, truth and love from a big sister who truly cares.

Are you a "big sister" who longs to encourage those around her, love those who feel un-lovely, and impact this world in a powerful way?

It doesn't matter how old you are. Whether you're 12 or 50, we need you on our team!
We are so much stronger together. Just like Queen Esther, we truly believe that you have been called into God's Kingdom to make a difference for such a time as this.


Everyone has a passion in life. What's yours? If you love to write, encourage, speak , Tweet, lead Bible Studies, run a website, a blog about fashion, or work for a real magazine, then you are our girl!

Maybe you even dream about launching your very own magazine, blog, website or girls ministry! If so, we would love to train you, give you hands on experience, and teach you everything we know, in hopes that you'll be successful in all your future projects!

Maybe you're already an established blogger, author, or YouTuber who desires to branch out and volunteer their time and talents at Crown of Beauty.

We would love to have you here!

The great thing about teaming up with Crown of Beauty, is that everything is done online. The only thing you need is an internet connection, and a desire to learn!

                             JOIN THE CROWN OF BEAUTY TEAM ~ JANUARY 2014:

We are excited to offer our first ever web-training class! This one month training session is complete with videos, fun homework assignments, (no grading ;), an online forum where you can talk with other students and trainee's, and special opportunities for hands on experience at the magazine.
(Who knows? You might even get the chance to interview one of your favorite artists or authors for the mag!)
This free training time covers Biblical teachings about our mission statement, creative article writing tips, lessons on how to use social media tools to reach your audience, connecting with people in your unique niche, conducting interviews, advertising, and basic "Getting Started" skills like block or blog building.
After completing this class, you'll have a better understanding of what Crown of Beauty is all about.
If you enjoy the class, and want to dive into being involved with creating and running our mag, we will then place you as a COB team member where we think you fit best on our magazine staff!

(Please note, staff members do not have a regular salary, they only get paid on commission from direct magazine sales or advertisement sales.)

We will be training Crown of Beauty team members in sets of two. Meaning, if you and your best friend want to do this totally can! Or, you may get linked up with another young girl from across the country, or even across the world! Not only is this a fun way to learn about running a website and magazine, a new way to challenge your faith to soar to new heights, it's also a great way to connect with Christian sisters! Apply for our January 2014 online training session by filling out the form below. We can't promise that we'll choose everyone who sends in a submission, to join in our first training class. Space is limited, so be sure to apply early! We will be choosing 2 to 6 applicants.


We really want you to be part of all the exciting things happening at Crown of Beauty.
We have lots of future events, magazine issues, and even web & magazine launches coming up on the horizons.

If you've ever had an interest in event planning, article writing, having your own column in a magazine, running a fashion website, interviewing your favorite artists and authors, or simply encouraging your sisters in Christ  now is the time to partner with Crown of Beauty!

Who knows, you might just be our next web-designer, fashion columnist, editor, vice president and manager, promo manager, social media guru or party planner!

God has given you gifting's, talents, and desires, and it's your job to steward what has been entrusted to you. It doesn't matter how experienced or inexperienced you are. We promise to treat you with TLC and nurture the plant of desire that's inside of you. Our online learning environment is positive, encouraging, and pressure-free.

We hope you'll consider going to "school" with us, and maybe even joining our team at COB!
If you have a desire to launch a new website or blog, this might be just the push you need to get started. We would also love to partner with you on your launches...because we have a few ideas up our sleeves! Hanging out on the backburner of our to-do list is a "little sister" website and magazine, as well as a more secular, trendy, music and fashion oriented site as well. Could it be that these ideas have been on your heart as well?

We're excited about someday launching a "little sister" website & magazine!
Maybe you'll be the chief editor! :)
We want to reach this lost world for Christ in a trendy, upbeat way, relating with non-Christians by creating a website/blog just for them.


ElizJamie on December 18, 2013 at 5:13 PM said...
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ElizJamie on December 18, 2013 at 5:15 PM said...

I just came across this and would have been very interested. Is there a way to get on a wait list in case a spot opens or to be notified of any future opportunities? I am a senior Communication Studies major. I can't imagine anything more exciting than to use my skills and continue to build them by encouraging and empowering young females through Christ love and purpose. I’ve been hoping for a place to put those energies. Thank you!

Colour Queen on December 26, 2013 at 7:16 PM said...

I realise it is too late for me to apply for this but will you be offering this training again? My heart leapt when I read what you are offering. I already run a stylist company and fashion blog plus love teaching the Bible.
Thank you
Lorna Mai

Bailey flores on January 12, 2014 at 4:55 PM said...

realize it is too late for me to apply for this but will you be offering this training again? i am starting a beauty/fashion/inspiration YouTube and website it would mean alot to have this training
Thank you

Livy on January 20, 2014 at 10:39 AM said...

Hello ladies, thanks for showing such interest in the training! I can't say when we'll offer this again, but the best way to stay updated is go to & sign up for our free e-mail updates. That way you'll be among the first to know when the next training is offered.
Thanks for leaving your e-mail addresses & I'll try to contact you in the future.
Blessings on you all! <3


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